Is it permissible to use local languages on mimbar (pulpit) for the Friday Sermon? If so quote relevant references.
The sermon is an essential part of the Friday prayer. Actually along with the worship, the Friday prayer provides the rulers of the state and their representatives an opportunity to communicate anything they like to the masses. It was only the local political agents of the state who were entrusted the responsibility to lead the Friday prayer. They would not only exhort the believers on the right, but also to discuss the political and administrative affairs. They could state the government policies on an issue or seek the view point of the audience. Though after the decline of Muslim rule and the abandoning the duty by the states the sermon is now merely said to fill the gap but the traces of the political aspects are still found in the contents of the sermon.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-03-12