Is it wrong for a Muslim to become a Freemason?
If I ask you what will be your obligations (a full list of them) when you become a Freemason do you know them all so that you can let me know? And if you know them before becoming a member, will you be allowed to let me know?
If the answer to both the above is ‘yes’ then please let me know these obligations and I will let you know based on my understanding whether it is okay for a Muslim to become a Freemason.
However if your answer to any of the above is ‘no’ (and from what I know about Freemasonry I think this will most probably be the case) then I say why a human being (let alone one who surrenders himself to God, i.e. a Muslim) should oblige himself to remain loyal to something that before paying allegiance to it, he is not sure about its obligations and consequences. I also say, why a human being (let alone one who surrenders himself to God, i.e. a Muslim) should accept to be associated with something that he cannot reveal its objectives and obligations.
Answered by: Farhad Shafti
Date: 2015-01-23