Aayaat-e Tatheer (Verses Of Purification)


Some people say that part of surah al-ahzaab is called “aayate tatheer” and it refers to “ahle bait” comprising Hazrat ‘Alī, Hazrat Fatima and their two children only. Is it true.? Also there is “Aayate Mobahila“.Some people say that our Prophet (sws) took these 4 people to meet Christians for a “mobahila“. Is this mobahla a good thing? Is it not better to discuss the matter with reasoning?


As for your first question please read the following reply that has been sent in one of our affiliated websites:

As for your second question, the cursing has been prescribed as the last measure after bringing all the possible reasons (and seeing pointless arguments that are only coming out of arrogance). You should also note that inviting to “curse the liar” is also an evidence and reasoning in itself. After all, if the opponent is so sure that the person who debates with him is wrong and is a liar then why should he be worried about that person cursing the liar?
The history is evident that this clever “practical reasoning” proved the falsehood of the opponent as they (those Christians) did not dare to accept the offer.
You should also note that this was a specific directive for the Prophet (sws) and is not a general one for all.
Your answer to the second part of my question negates the first part of the answer. This I say because our Prophet (sws) took only those 4 people, not the ahl-e bait. So the Shia brothers seem correct in giving them preference. Please kindly throw some light on this.
In your second question you asked why cursing instead of reasoning so I only wanted to address this issue. As for the Prophet (sws) taking those great people with him, it is the verse of the Qur’an that directs the two sides to bring the close relatives in order to make it very serious and sensitive. I am not sure what this might imply for our Shia brothers:
– if they consider this to be an honour for Fatima, Hasanayn and Ali (ra-hum) then for sure it is, may God give us their companionship in the hereafter.
– if they consider this to mean that the verse gives these great personalities a privilege over others in terms of political or religious leadership then please explain in what way you understand this from the verse.

Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-03-03