I need some guidance and help. My son is marrying a foreign girl who is a Roman Catholic. The main marriage ceremony will be held in Lahore followed by a ceremony (a nonreligious one) in the country of the girl. In this second ceremony the members of the bride and bridegroom’s family are expected to read out something suitable for the occasion. I seek your guidance on what statements/extracts each from the Qur’ān or Hadith or some philosopher or thinker would be appropriate for us to read that may convey the right message on marriage, its sanctity, its importance in the context of Islam to a gathering which will be predominantly Christian/Catholic.
I would be happy to come and see you.
Khalid Rahman
I think the most appropriate words and expressions in such a wonderful occasion can only come from yourself as the father of the groom as well as one who knows the background and the history of the parties involved.
Perhaps what I can do is to point out some of the verses of the Qur’ān that you might like to consider expressing in your short talk.
Given what you have described I think the two subjects of marriage and people of the book are the most relevant ones.
Āl-i ‘Imrān 3:64, al-Mā’idah 5:5: The common belief and attitude between the People of the Book and Muslims is mentioned in the most beautiful way in the first verse, with monotheism being the central point. Monotheism is such an important belief that despite some differences in religious customs and despite all other differences, Muslims are advised that they can marry the People of the Book (the second verse). From this point of view, it is not exaggeration to say that a ceremony like what you are going to have is not only a celebration of an engagement but also a celebration of mutual recognition and appreciation of the Almighty and his blessings.
Appreciation of the God who created wonderful examples of piety and devotion for us:
Āl-i ‘Imrān 3:42: God of Muhammad (sws) tells us about the high status of the Virgin Mary.
al-Aḥzāb 33:21: God of the Virgin Mary tells us about the excellent example of the Prophet Muhammad (sws).
To be in his path with a full capacity, God has given us lots of blessings. One of them is spouse.
al-Baqarah 2:187, al-Rūm 30:21: God has made spouse for human being so that they can find peace, love and mercy in each other’s company. They are so close that they are like garments to each other. Just as a garment fits and protects one, so does a spouse.
Putting verses Āl-i ‘Imrān 3:64, al-Mā’idah 5:5, al-Baqarah 2:187 and al-Rūm 30:21 together, it is possible to say that the common belief of monotheism is such an important factor that makes two people coming from two different cultures close enough to be each others’ source of peace, love and mercy and to be like garments to each other.
I hope the above is enough to make some material for an effective and passionate speech.