Can a Muslim woman marry a behai man?
If the woman is Muslim that means she does not consider Mirza Hussain Ali (who is known as Baha’ullah by Baha’ies) as a prophet of God. Since we are sure from the reports that Mirza Hussain Ali claimed to be a prophet of God then the woman considers him to be a liar.
How can there be a peacfull and sustainable family unit when one pllar of the unit (woman) considers the master of faith of the other pillar (man) to be a liar?
If either the man or the woman are hoping that in time they will convince their spouse to leave her/his faith and to accept his/her, then is it not wiser to do this before marriage?
I therefore suggest the right question perhaps is not that whether a Muslim woman ‘can’ marry a Bahai man. The more relevant question I think should be whether a Muslim woman ‘should’ marry a Bahai man.
Answered by: Farhad Shafti
Date: 2015-01-16