It seems to me that whenever a matter cannot be answered/explained to the satisfaction of reason, it is conveniently placed in the basket of “Imtehaan (test)”.
Dear friend,
I am sure I have not provided an explanation to your satisfaction. However as it not being to the satisfaction of reason, I will not be able to learn from you and improve my answers unless you guide me and advise me as to which of the arguments I provided seemed to be unreasonable argument to you.
As a student of Islam my responsibility is not to satisfy the person who asks the question but to make sure I am answering the question based on my best understanding of Islamic sources.
Perhaps it is now my turn to ask you to shed some light on this issue:
Any born blind person seeks treatment till when he is told that there is no cure, same goes for a born homosexual. Even then the blind person will continue to fight his blindness instead of giving in by using a guide dog, a stick, etc., same is expected from a homosexual.
I showed you from the verses of the Qur’an that homosexuality (no matter what the cause of it is) is called Fahisha and Khabees.
As a student of Islam I cannot convince myself that we should allow this Fahisha and Khabees act take place in a religious society.
If you think despite the way God has described this act it should still be allowed then I request you to please provide me with some other verses of the Qur’an that give such exceptional allowance.
Without any evidence from the Qur’an itself, no one is allowed to consider any exceptions.
Then a question will raise that why this person has to suffer. The only logical explanation that I can find is again from the Qur’an, that this is part of a bigger scenario in this world, that is, it is a test and Insha’Allah much reward is waiting for such person.
Again, if you have any better explanations please do not hesitate to let me know.