My name is Saeed Jabar and I study in Bradford College in UK. I just want to know I cannot follow most of the Islamic rules because of my laziness. Because of this sometime I think God will never leave me. I have to burn in fire. This feeling keeps me from doing anything. I feel embarrassed all the time. As you know we are not angels we are human beings. Do you think seeing to all these things there is chance that God can forgive me.
Saeed Jabar
My dear brother,
No words can give you an answer better than what the Almighty has told us in the Qur’ān:
Say: O My servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allāh Surely Allāh forgives the faults altogether Surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
And return to your Lord and submit to Him before there comes to you the punishment, then you shall not be helped.
And follow the best that has been revealed to you from your Lord before there comes to you the punishment all of a sudden while you do not even perceive (Qur’ān: 39:53 – 55)
I can only add a tip from experience:
If you bound yourself to offer your daily prayers on time and to read a specific number of verses of the Quran while understanding their meanings as a routine (like 20 or 30 verses, not many), Insha’Allāh you will always have a divine intensive to keep you in track.