Fatima (rta) And Abū Bakr (rta)


What do you say aobut the anger anger of Bbi fatima (rta) over Abū Bakr (rta) and few other Companions? Fatima (rta) left a will that Abū Bakr be prevented from attending her funeral. “When Fatima (rta) died, Ayesha arrived with the intention of coming in. But Hazrat Asma (rta) physically prevented her from entering. Ayesha (rta) complained to Abū Bakr that ‘this woman has prevented me from participating in the funeral rites of the Prophet’s daughter’. Abū Bakr (rta) then came himself and asked ‘Asma why do you prevent the wife of the Holy Prophet (sws) (sws) from, entering?’ She replied: The Lady had personally ordered her exclusion. [al-Isti’ab Volume 4 page 367]


This is a copy and paste question that has been posted in a number of other websits as well. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out exacty what happened 1400 years ago and which report seems to be more reliable, we can save our time and concentrate on more important things by realising two simple points:

1. No historical even can add or change anything in our belief as Muslims. Our only source of belief is the Qur’an and the Qur’an only.

2. No human being is infallible. The Prophets of God are infallible in delivering the revelation to people. Beside this all the individuals, being Fatima (rta), Ayesha (rta), Abubakr (rta) or (Ali-rta), were prone to mistake.

Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-02-13