Assalaamu alaikum.
What is the ruling on performing hajj while menstruation??? Can one do Tawaaf of the Ka’bah after the 12th of Dhul Hajj after Hajj days have passed?
wa alaikumussalaam
Thank you for writing to us.
During menstruation, a woman should not offer any acts of worship relating to the Ka`bah. These acts of worship include the circumambulation (Tawaf) around the Ka`bah and the obligatory or any supererogatory prayers. Except for the Tawaf, a woman may offer all parts of Hajj. Subsequently, at the discontinuation of her menstrual bleeding, she may perform the Tawaf. If, however, she is hindered by visa restrictions in delaying her return till after the discontinuation of menstrual bleeding, then she would obviously have to return without offering her Tawaf. In such a case, the woman’s Hajj would be considered complete, even though she did not have the option to perform her Tawaf later.
Answered by: Mushfiq Sultan
Date: 2018-09-13