In What Respect The Islamic Laws Are Similar To The Earlier Shari’ahs


Thank you for your detailed answers to my earlier queries. I wanted to know that in what manner most of the judiciary laws of Islam and Judaism are similar? My other question is regarding Jesus (sws), we know that Jesus (sws) was sent as a Prophet to the children of Israel after Moses (sws) but is it true that till the birth of Jesus (sws) Israelites were following the teachings of Moses (sws)? My other question is that which Prophets or Messengers came between Prophet Moses (sws) and Jesus (sws)?


In my response, I did not say: “Most of the judiciary laws of Islam and Judaism are similar.” I said: “In many parts, the judiciary law of Islam is not that different from the judiciary law of Israelites.”

The Sharī‘ah that the Almighty has given to His prophets (sws) is based on the same set of rules. Only details and forms might be partially different to suit different circumstances at the time of each Prophet. If manmade additional details and manmade deformation of Sharī‘ah Sharī‘ah are ignored then we will see that the core rules of Sharī‘ah of Israelites and Ismaelites are very similar. This is not surprising because we know that our Prophet was following the same path that the previous prophets of God had taken (Q 4:26).
In the Qur’ān we see that there are references to some basic rules that apply to both Israelites and Ishmaelites, for instance compare 5:44, 45 with 2:178,179. Also look at 5:32 which is a law that is for both nations.
Yes, Israelites were following what they considered to be the teachings of Moses when Jesus was sent to them.

I am not aware of any Prophets or Messengers between Jesus and Muhammad (sws). Of course this does not necessarily mean that there weren’t any but the Qur’ān has not informed us about it. I think we can say with a good degree of certainty that there were definitely no Messengers between Jesus and Muhammad (sws). This is because the role of a Messenger of God is so important (even in comparison to a Prophet of God) that it is very unlikely that the Bible and the Qur’ān do not refer to the person carrying such important role.


Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-04-02