Interpretation Of A Narrative


I have heard a narrative from a religious scholar. The wording of the ḥadīth is as follows:

خمس من العبادة: النظر إلى الكعبة، والنظر إلى المصحف، والنظر إلى الوالدين،…والنظر إلى وجه العالم. (رواه دارقطنى)

Five major worships are: looking towards the Ka’bah, looking at the Holy Scriptures, looking at your parents……………..looking at the face of a religious scholar. (Dār Quṭnī)

1.What is the status of Dār Quṭnī in ḥadīth literature?

2.What is the status of this ḥadīth?

3.Please provide full details about this ḥadīth.


This ḥadīth has never been found in any book including Dār Quṭnī. However, this narrative has been included in the history of Baghdād “tārīkh Baghdād”. In the book ‘ḥarf al-‘ayn min ābā al-ḥasnayn‘ this narrative has been included numbered 3874 as a saying of Fayzrān that follows:

محفوظ معروف بن الفيرزان يقول: النظر في المصحف عبادة والنظر إلى الوالدين عبادة والقعود في المسجد عبادة.

Maḥfūz Ma ‘rūf b. Fayrzān says: looking at the divine scriptures is worship. Looking at the parents is worship. Sitting in a mosque is worship.

This narrative in this book is not acceptable in any condition.

Dār Quṭnī is considered a weak collection of ḥadīth corpus.

Translated by: Abid Mahmood Hashmi

Answered by: Talib Mohsin

Date: 2015-01-25

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