1- The Holy Qur’an tells us to “stay away” from alcohol. No where it says it is “haram“. Whey then it is declared haram by the Muslims?
1. The holy Qur’an does not always call something haram that it intends to prohibit. It uses other styles of expression. Sometimes a thing is already known as forbidden even through the innate guidance the humans enjoy. The Qur’an merely refers to that. For example you wouold not find the Qur’an talking on the evil of falsehood, treachery or the gooness of tuth, mercifulness etc. The prohibition of intoxicants (not the substance called alcohol) lies under the categories of things prohibited by the innate guidance implanted by God in human nature. That is why the Book does not explicitly mention it is haram. This means that the hurmat (prohibition) of drinking is clearer and more binding.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-02-07