I was thinking in terms of any Ta’zeer punishment or Hadd for the one who consumes riba, haram meat, meat of dead-haram animals as there were Hadd punishments for various acts in the Qur’an. Since there are very serious warnings for consuming riba (consuming), but without any worldly punishment.
The Islamic Shari’ah has prescribed punishments only for few crimes. A study of the issue would reveal that the punishments are mainly prescribed for the crimes where the victim is an individual or the society. There are numerous sins but few punishable crimes. For example there is no punishment for those who do not offer the Prayer or pay the zakah. This distinction is in fact considered in all the systems of the world. It is never possible to punish every act that is not approved. Criminal law is a distinctive branch in almost all the countries and traditions.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-03-10