Does the Qur’an say that Semen emanates from between the ribs and the backbone?
Original languages of the Torah, the Zubur, the Injil and the Qur’an?
Regarding true dreams
Does the expression ‘Ayyaamam Ma’doodaat’ refer to the fast of Ramadan?
Do the children of the deceased siblings inherit from their childless uncle
Zakat on rent or value?
Eid Ghadeer
Is Youtube advertisement revenue permissible?
Punishment of blasphemy based on a hadith narrative
Can I consider my regular charity as Zakah?
Why was Masjid al Aqsa made a qibla?
Is the Qur’an only for the Arabs?
Contradiction in the Qur’an? 4:48 vs 4:153
Breaking of woman’s hymen
Extent of Noah’s flood and today’s human population
Creation in pairs and everything created from water- Is the Qur’an scientifically incorrect?
Grammatical Mistakes in the Qur’an?
Did Prophet Muhammad advise people to drink the urine of camels?
Purchasing house on mortgage and Mr. Ghamidi’s view
Qurbani (Sacrifice) during Covid-19?
Why women cannot pray or touch the Qur’an after childbrith?
Why Mahr is given by the husband?
Is the descent of Jesus (pbuh) mentioned in the Qur’an?
Meaning of Burooj in Surah al-Burooj
Placing one’s hand on the Qur’an while taking an oath
Can Muslims be cremated?
Can Zakah be used to build a Masjid?
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