I want to understand the arrangement of the verses in the first two groups of the Qur’an, chapters 1 to 9. For example why are the verses related to the battle of Uhd placed in the third surah and the verses related to the battle of Badr placed in the eight surah ? How would the prophet saw communicate the verses revealed in Madina to the people living in Makkah?
1. We believe that the Qur’an does not provide a historical account as a sustained narrative. It only refers to the facts that are relevant in a discussion. We only need to understand that each group of the Qur’anic surahs contains Makkan as well as Madinan Surahs. The question you have raised is based on the understanding that the Surah are arranged chronologically. For our understanding of the structure of the Qur’an please refer to:
e teachings of the Qur’an were clear to them before he was commanded to migrate. He did not migrate before making the truth plain to them and before they rejected the truth knowingly. The Madinan part of the Book primarily deals with the purification and training of the nascent ummah. They do not add to the primary themes of the book already exhaustively dealt with in Makkah. The Makkan part provides basis of all the directive that were revealed in Madinah. Therefore it was not necessary to communicate all the verses revealed in Madinah to Makkans. However, this is also a fact worthy of note that the both the centers remained in contact through wars and peace.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-03-06