I am a gay person who cannot leave this habit. When I was thirteen a man abused me by force. I was again abused by others and I left the country. Now I am in a foreign country. During the month of Ramadan I keep fasting and offer regular prayer. I see good dream. I see Madinah fly in the air. Please help me what can I do to be forgiven by God. I know I am a very bad person. How can I leave this habit? I really hate myself and want to kill myself. I am the only male child of my parents and if I commit suicide then my sisters and mother will suffer badly. They love me too much. Is there a way to get out? I am not basically a bad person.
First, you need to get hold of yourself and overcome your dejection and frustration.
Answered by: Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Date: 2015-03-07