Purpose Of Human Life


I am a student of physics at the University of Vienna. As you know that in the West there is a misunderstanding about the Islamic teachings and practices, which puts a common Muslim in conflict with his religion. Therefore my question to you is: why we are meant to go to Paradise or Hell after the death. Is the existence of Paradise and Hell only a projection and excuse of the human mind to make this world seem less important? For instance we are promised to get 70 Virgins and alcohol in Paradise and in this world we have to stay away from prohibited sexual relations and alcohol. Is it not a kind of double standard? Why does someone for example an atheist, a man who does not believe in God or at least in a personal god must go to Hell? Does my life only means only to go to Hell or Paradise after death? What do you think of Karl Marx who said “Religion is only an opium of the people”. I would be very pleased and thankful to you for your guidance.


Please look up http://www.monthly-renaissance.com/issue/query.aspx?id=567 for the first part of your question.

As far as the issue of 72 virgins/hoors is concerned, there is no reliable narrative which says so. It is mentioned in certain weak narratives. Alcohol has been prohibited in Islam because it causes intoxication. Thus non-alcoholic wine is allowed. The Quran has specified that wine given in Paradise will not cause intoxication. It will be pure and unadulterated.
Being rewarded for one’s deeds and being punished for the evil ones is part of the trial that we are put through. Ending up in Paradise is no ordinary a blessing. Think of getting everything that you wish for. It would be like a long vacation and who knows that God might have some more plans for the dwellers of Paradise.
As for the statement of Karl Marx, I do not agree with it. Our faith and beliefs are backed up by sound intellectual reasoning and there exists compelling evidence for all our beliefs. If we use our intellect instead of emotions in understanding our religion, this opium theory will not work. It only works if we cut off the link of intellect and reason from our religion.

Answered by: Dr. Shehzad Saleem

Date: 2015-01-23

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