Thank you for the reply to my questions.[1] One major factor that you have highlighted is that we as humans live in a world which is limited by time and space and since Allah is unlimited, we can not comprehend some concepts due to our limited knowledge. I had also highlighted the same fact in my email to you.
However we are still confused as to what is the purpose of creation of this universe? Some people we have talked to are of the opinion that Allah doesn’t know what a human will do given the options, that’s why the purpose of universe is to see how human beings will do on the Day of Judgment.
You said in your email:
In fact the very reason we believe in the Qur’an to be words of God is heavily based on logic.
Can you quote any examples or references from the Quran supporting your statement.
The purpose of creation can be summarised as follows:
We are created out of “nothing” by the Creator (Khaliq) and are put in this world to have a chance to make ourselves good enough (using our free will) to be as close as possible to God the Almighty. We can do this by coming out successfully from tests of life (67:2) and accordingly developing ourselves to become God’s devoted servants and worshipers which is the ultimate goal of our creation (51:56) and is also what makes us good enough to get close to God the almighty and to stay close to him in his ever lasting paradise (18:110, 89:30).
You wanted elaboration on my statement:
In fact the very reason we believe in the Qur’an to be words of God is heavily based on logic.
What I meant by this is as follows:
It is logic that tells us that such an amazing book (the Qur’an) cannot be a twenty-three-years-long production of a human being (specially one who is known to be uneducated). The Qur’an itself advises us to use our logic to ppreciate the divine source of the Book:
Don’t they ponder about the Qur’an? and if it was from other than God surely they had found many inconsistencies in it (4:82).
When some people used to say that Salman Al-Farsi has taught the Prophet the Qur’an, the Qur’an refutes the claim with the use of logic:
[….] the language of the one you claim about is non-Arabic while this (Qur’an) is in a perfect Arabic language (16:103).
I am not living in Pakistan but there are a number of my colleagues living in the Lahore (Al-Mawrid base) and Karachi, I suggest you get in touch with them if you want to have live discussion. You can find contact numbers in the website.