Relationship Between Ḥalāl Money And Ḥalāl Meat


I am living in Canada since the last 6 years and some times get very confused due to some baseless thoughts of so called Islamic scholars or Muslims here. All Muslims of this area do not eat MacDonald’s food because the meat available there does not come from hilāl sources or proper slaughtering way. I like to ask you that in Pakistan the people kill the chicken without pronouncing the name of God and put it into a dirty bin. Is it ḥalāl, I think Islam declares that cleanliness is half of faith. My another observation is that Muslims are always looking for ḥalāl meat with Ḥarām money in their pockets. I was in government department and I took bribery (Allāh forgive me) and I know those people who went for pilgrimage (Ḥajj) and ‘Umra with money of bribery and people respect them and call them Ḥājīs. Is it allowable jā’iz? Here I am working hard and earning ḥalāl money. How is it possible to buy the stuff with ḥalāl money when it becomes Ḥarām except the things not allowed in Islam. Why we people do not have to courage to talk about those things. People live here getting mortgage and paying interest and it is ḥalāl for them but all Islam on chicken. Please guide me because I really like your thoughts and vision about Islam.


I wasn’t able to fully understand your question. I think what you are asking is about the relationship between ḥalāl money and ḥalāl meat or ḥalāl but not clean meat. I need to make it clear that these are different issues and that all of them need to be taken care of by a Muslim:

Meat that a Muslim consumes has to be a product of a slaughtering procedure that is with accordance to Sharī’ah otherwise it is Ḥarām.
You rightly stated that Islam promotes cleanness. Desire to be clean is a human instinct and Islam is based on human instinct. This does not mean that it is Ḥarām to eat unclean food (of course unless something is specifically made Ḥarām in Sharī’ah). This means that as a general attitude, we should always seek clean food and avoid unclean food as much as possible.
We are only allowed to use what we have legally and fairly owned. Money that is obtained in an illegal or unfair way is Ḥarām to be used and needs to be returned to its owner or to the public fund or needs to be spent as a charity if once can no longer find or reach to its owner. This has to be done as soon as the person realises that the money was Ḥarām and is always on his shoulders unless being paid.
I hope I have answered your questions.

Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-03-28