Respect For The Qur’an


A couple of days ago I observed a person reciting the Holy Quran on a sofa. Beside him another person was saying prayer. He too, after the salat, took a copy of Holy Quran and sat down on the prayer rug to recite. The person on the sofa argued that either he himself should come down or the other person should sit on another sofa. He believed a man should not be above the Holy Text. Was his argument valid?


Muslims generally observe that they do not rise above the Qur’an. This is corresponding to their respect for the book for they consider it word of God. It should not be given superiority over all other sources of guidance but its copies too should not be put under other things. They even manke sure that the Book of God is put on the top of other books in their personal libraries. This expression of love for the Book is justified and corresponds to their beliefs. However, it is not a legal matter. If someone does not observe it we should not condemn them outrightly but should ask them to observe this good behaviour if they can.

Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi

Date: 2015-02-12