Status Of Magic And Meaning Of The Expression “What Your Right Hands Possess” II


I asked my question with regard to Love and prostitution, let me re pharse it.

Also women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. thus hath Allah ordained against you: except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek with gifts from your property,¯ desiring chastity, not lust…….. (4:24)

What does it means that “all other are lawful”. Secondly when you love someone you do a contract with that woman then isn’t it a marriage. Thirdly in Love its not lust, you are always ready to sacrifice everything for that woman. Canyou elaborate on it?

Now regarding MAGIC:

Ayat (2:102) is referring to era of Hazrat Solomon, now:

They followed what the evil ones gave out against the power of Solomon; the blasphemers were not Solomon but the evil ones, teaching men magic and such things as came down at Babylon to the angels Harut, and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone without saying: “We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme.” They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they couldnot thus harm anyone except by Allah’s permission… (2:102)

This Ayat specifically tells that this was the era of Hazrat Solomon. Their were lot of things in his era e.g. shifting of thorne, commanding Jinns etc, which were not there in the era of our Prophet (peace be upon him). Then how can we say that this knowledge is still in place?

Let’s suppose that this knowledge was transferred. Now specifically ALLAH is telling us that only knowledge acquired was “separation of Husband and Wife”. Then from where the other knowledge of magic is coming?

Then ALLAH says “except by ALLAH permission”, that means, if you have believe in ALLAH, then no harm will come to you. Then why we believe that some human can solve our issue?

Another question is if someone knows how to cure magic, from where he got the knowledge? QURAN and Sunnah are our only source of knowledge.

Shocked to see a reference (7:116) from you of Hazrat Moses, linked with the Era of our Prophet (SAW).

And from the evil of those who blow on knots (113:4), (It is clearly reflecting towards Fears and Whispers)

Can you tell me a single person in this world who can do magic? And a single person who can resolve it?


– You asked: (in 4:24) “What does it mean that “all other are lawful”.

That means except the categories and relations mentioned in the previous verses, men can marry all all other women.

– You asked: ” when you love someone you do a contract with that woman then isn’t it a marriage.”

Contract technically means an agreement that is witnessed by members of the public. If this is what you refer to as ‘contract’ and if the agreement is to stay in relationship for the rest of the life and be committed to each other, then yes that will be marriage.

– You wrote: “Thirdly in Love its not lust, you are always ready to sacrifice everything for that woman. Can you elaborate on it?”

I wrote that the foundation of adultery is lust. As for Love, first I would like to make it clear that love is not necessarily a separate concept from marriage. There can be a marriage that is initiated and resulted from love. There can be a marriage that results in love. Traditionally there have been marriages in all cultures where love and affection were not part of the story. This has nothing to do with the concept of marriage in Islam. In other words, Islam neither forbids nor obliges the couple to have love before or during their marriage. However to firmly establish the social unit of family, Islam only recognises a relationship that is the result of the contract of marriage. Therefore love per se (i.e. without the contract of marriage) is not recognised as a justification to have relationship that is allowed for married couple. If the love is real, then I cannot see why it cannot be sealed with marriage.

– As for your question about magic let me copy what you asked me originally: “Is magic possible?”

In answering the above I wrote: “Magic is possible and the Qur’an has referred to it in a number of places: 2:102, 7:116, 113:4.”

I cannot understand why you were shocked when I referred to a verse about the era of Moses (as). Nowhere in your question you mentioned that you wanted evidence about existence of magic at our time only.

Also when the Qur’an informs us of people before us who had power of magic, this simply implies that human being is capable of doing magic (even if it can only happen with the help of evil forces, etc.). Accordingly there is no reason to believe that the human being at our time no longer has this ability. The Qur’an certainly has not informed us that this ability has been taken from the human being. Of course this does not mean that every claim of magic and magical spells are to be trusted. The fact is, as you know, many of these are fraud or result of error in judgement. However there is no reason to deny the possibility that today too certain individuals may possess the same evil skills that some people at the past possessed (as evident from the Qur’an).

You correctly pointed out that there have been other things like commanding Jinn at the time of the prophet Solomon (pbuh) that are no longer possible at our time. Please note that the source of these two powers are different. Magic was something that was practiced by individual ordinary people. Commanding Jinn was one of the powers given to a prophet of God. While obviously the latter (commanding Jinn like the way Solomon – pbuh – did) cannot be applied to others in our era, there is no reason to believe that the first (being able to do magic) too was exclusive to the past nations.

– You wrote: “Now specifically ALLAH is telling us that only knowledge acquired was “separation of Husband and Wife”. Then from where the other knowledge of magic is coming?

The verse 2:102 is simply referring to one of the magical things that people at the time of Solomon learned, that was separating husband and wife. The verse is narrating a specific incident and is not giving a general rule or general information about what magic human being can learn and how. It does not imply that those people did not learn any other thing or that the human being cannot learn any other thing about magic. Knowledge of magic can come from the same sources that some people at the past acquired it.

– On the verse 113:4 you wrote: “It is clearly reflecting towards Fears and Whispers”

I do not see how the verse can simply be interpreted to be referring to fears and whispers (whatever the latter might mean). I am more convinced by the generally agreed upon explanation that this verse refers to magic. For example this is what Amin Ahsan Islahi writes when explaining the verse:

“The expression النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ means “those who blow on knots”. Although the word النَّفَّاثَاتِ is in the feminine form, it does necessarily imply women. According to linguistic principles of Arabic, it can imply evil spirits and evil souls, whether men or women and whether here they refer to those among the Jews and Sabeans or among the conjurers and soothsayers of Arabia. Blowing on knots is the way adopted by charmers and people who give amulets. They chant spells in their minds and then blow on chords and threads while tying knots on it and believe that in this manner they can lure and control their subject. They then try to inflict whatever harm they want to on this subject.” (Amīn Ahsan Islāhī, Tadabbur-i Qur’ān)

– You wrote: ” if you have believe in ALLAH, then no harm will come to you. Then why we believe that some human can solve our issue?

I fully agree with your statement above. Having said that, if some one feels that he needs help from a human being I don’t think that it goes against our faith in the Almighty. Please note that I am only addressing this in a conceptual way. I am aware of the fraud and evil people who cheat others, oppress them or harm them in the name of removing a spell, etc. In my view the best way to prevent being controlled by magic and the best way of escaping from magic is to seek refuge to God the Almighty. I however cannot deny the possibility that there can be experienced people who might help a person with this regard. I am sure the genuine help will be the one that is not going against the premises of religion and is in fact heavily relying on religious concepts.

– You wrote: “Another question is if someone knows how to cure magic, from where he got the knowledge? QURAN and Sunnah are our only source of knowledge. “

The Qur’an and the Sunnah are the only sources of knowledge of Islam. Magic has nothing to do with Islam. I repeat part of my answer above that I think also answers this question:

” I however cannot deny the possibility that there can be experienced people who might help a person with this regard. I am sure the genuine help will be the one that is not going against the premises of religion and is in fact heavily relying on religious concepts.”

– You wrote: “Can you tell me a single person in this world who can do magic? And a single person who can resolve it?

No I cannot. I am a student of Islam not a student of magic. Yet, me not knowing a person who does magic or resolve it does not mean that such person does not exist. I also do not know any Jinn yet I know it exists.

Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-03-06