I live in Athens (Greece) which, as you know, is a non-Muslim society. The owner of company and the staff in it are Christians. At times they offer me to join them in meals. My question is that can I eat with them chicken, coca cola, ice cream etc (not pig which is prohibited by Islam). Please guide me on this issue I would be very thank-full to you.
There is nothing wrong with eating food offered by Christians when it does not contain meat. As for meat, you can only consume it if the animal is slaughtered according to the religious rules (Sharī‘ah) of Muslims or the People of the Book. These rules specify that the name of God should be pronounced at the time when the animal is slaughtered and that the blood of it should properly drain. If these conditions have not been satisfied while slaughtering the animal and you are offered food then you should refrain from consuming it. Of course, ethics directs us to do this in a respectful manner and to explain the reason to the host if appropriate. The only occasion where you can eat meat that is not product of slaughtering according to Sharī‘ah is when you are in a state of iḍtirār (extreme difficulty). The conditions mentioned above don’t apply to fish.
Answered by: Farhad Shafti
Date: 2015-04-02