I have a question regarding Qurbani. Is Qurbaani waajib or Sunnah? Is it compulsory to offer an animal for sacrifice or we can instead give away the money to a needy person.
Before answering your question I want you to appreciate that the word Sunnah has different connotations. The term is used to refer to the religious practices instituted by the Prophet (sws) as part of the religion. In this sense, it is used in contrast with the Holy Qur’an which covers the Muslim beliefs. It is basically the discussion of the sources. Islam is comprised of beliefs and practices. The Qur’an covers the former while the Sunnah the latter. Both are, however, equal in authenticity. Both have been handed down by the generations of the Muslims since the Prophet (sws) taught them to all and sundry among the Companions (rta).
Offering sacrifice is a Sunnah of the Prophet (sws) in the sense that it has been instituted by him as a religious practice. This does not, however, define the status of the practice in terms of obligation.
Some of the practices instituted by the Prophet (sws) are obligatory like Salah, zakah and Sawm while others are optional for example saying Alhamdulillah after sneezing. Muslims have always been clear on the degree of obligation attached to these practices for this too has been transmitted by the Muslims as they received it from the Prophet(sws).
However, the terms Sunnah, in the sense you have used it, is basically a term of the Fiqh, a discipline dealing with the legal matters. Some Fuqaha (doctors of legal cannons of Islam) use the term to mean some practice which the Prophet (sws) was reported to have done but which he did not hold them compulsory for all. In this sense it refers to the optional practices. Some of them however, consider it wajib. Thus there is a difference of opinion among the scholars of different schools on the question of degree of obligation attached to the Sunnah. Consequently they differ on the status of Qurbani as well. The Hanafite believe it is obligatory whereas others do not.
[1] In the terms of the doctors of legal canons of Islam we can say that it Sunnah. These scholars use the term Fard for something which is obligatory of first order and waajib to connote something that which the Qur’an does not oblige us to but the Prophet’s perpetual adherence raises its status to almost near Fard and the third category is that of the Sunanh which they imply to mean the optimal.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-04-02