Rigidly following a particular School of Thought


It is crystal clear that Islam is the divine religion and all its adherents are Muslims. Despite knowing this fact, people do not want to part from their fiqhs and enter pure Islam. What is the reason behind this attitude?


I am sorry I could not understand what you mean by entering Islam. If the Prophet Muhammad (sws) were alive and we were blessed enough to learn directly from him, a believer would have no option to attach to any particular fiqh. But that fact is that even the scholars of the Qur’an and the Hadith have no choice but to benefit from the opinions of other scholars in various situations. A layman cannot understand the Qur’an and the Sunnah by himself. He has no option save to accept the opinion of the scholars. Asking him to study the Qur’an and the Ḥadīth independently and ignoring the views and research of the scholars can prove lethal for his religious self. The best option for such a man is that he should consider the Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, as the only sources of religion, and should accept only such views of the scholars as seem compatible with the evidence given in the Holy Book of God and the Sunnah. If he finds a counter opinion by any other scholar, he should not reject it except through evidence and, in this regard, he should seek guidance from his religious mentor. If he finds that the view of the differing person is nearer to the Qur’an and the Sunnah, he should accept it and his affiliation to his school should not hinder his correction. But it should be noted that one should differ from or adhere to a particular group or school only for the cause of Allah and in obedience to His Prophet (sws).

Taqlid is a natural weakness. It can be condemned only when it hinders the path of righteousness and when a person denies the truth despite knowing it.

Translated into English by Abid Mahmood
Edited by Mushfiq Sultan

Answered by: Talib Mohsin

Originally Published: 2015-04-02

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