How many works of Hadith in total exist? If someone wants to develop an opinion about a certain area of life based on hadith how can he/she be sure that he/she has honestly considered all the points of view which are ascribed to Prophet (sws). I mean there are many matters in which the ahadith conflict. How can someone make sure that he or she has seen all possible available ahadith on a certain topic?
Thank you for writing to us. When a Muslim scholar intends to study the religious point of view on an issue he looks into the Qur’an for guidance first of all. Then there is the Sunnah of the Prophet (sws). By Sunnah I mean the practices the Prophet (sws) instituted as part of the religion and taught to the entire generation of his addressees who then passed it on to the next generation with clear understanding that it is part of the religion and this process continued till the present time. These sunan (singular sunnah) are absolutely authentic for they do not rely on individual to individual narratives, the hadiths, but the consensus of the entire generation in each layer from the Prophet (sws) to our generation.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-03-03