Timings Of Isha Prayer


What is the proper time for Isha Prayer according to the Hanafites? Can it be offered during late night?


Hanafi jurists hold that though it is mustahab (desirable) to perform Isha before midnight, the actual time lasts until the break of dawn. Their opinion is based on the opinions of of some of the Companions (rta) and tabi’oon (successors), like Hadrat ‘Umar, Ibn-e Abbas, Abu Hurayra, Ta’oos and ‘Ata. The views of these pious elders have been recorded in Musannaf of Ibn-e Abi Shayba (No: 2331) and Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq (No: 2016-2035).

Answered by: Ammar Khan Nasir

Date: 2015-03-02