Why Was Jihad More Important For The Prophet (sws) And The First Generation Of His Followers?



Hope that you will be fine. Sir I want to draw your kind attention towards below mentioned website where someone has mentioned a question and claimed that “this question has not been answered yet” which seems a conspiracy from non Muslims or Jews:
“Why was Muhammad’s fight to Medina so important to then future of Islam?” Web Link as follows:
Please give them an appropriate answer and we pray to Allah to give all of us guidance to the straight pat. Amen
Best Regards,
Muhammad Khalid Anwaar Khan


My dear brother, I admire your enthusiasm and sense of responsibility but I think there is a misunderstanding about the nature of the website you are referring to.

WikiAnswers is a website where any one can post a question of any nature in a hope that those who know the answer will post the answer there. When some one posts a question in WikiAnswer, the sign “This question has not been answered yet” always appear on the front page until the first answer is posted. So this is not a conspiracy or anything, this is only the way this website works. I assure you, as soon as you post an answer to this question, this sign will be removed.
I will write a brief in answering the question and if you like you can post it in WikiAnswers with your name:
The question has not been written in a very clear way. I think the person who asks the question really wants to know the reason that Muslims were involved in a number of battles when they were in Medina.
Basically the battles of Muslims at the time of the Prophet (sws) had one or more of the following reasons:
-To defend themselves
-To fight oppression
-To carry out God’s punishment on people who denied the truth after it was made absolutely clear by the Messenger of God (sws).
The first two reasons from the above are the ones that even today are seen as legitimate reasons for a civilised state to start a war.
The latter is the Sunnah of God. It is the manifestation of God’s judgement that takes place in a miniature scale in this world as an evidence for others and continues in the hereafter. This Sunnah is clearly mentioned and instructed in the Qur’an as well as in the Old Testament. Note that, based on the Qur’an, only the first two reasons (from the above list) still apply in our time.
For more elaboration please see:
The Islamic Law of Jihād Jihad by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, translated by Shehzad Saleem available at: http://www.monthly-renaissance.com/issue/content.aspx?id=422

Answered by: Farhad Shafti

Date: 2015-03-29