1. My wife owns 8 tola gold. Out of these 8 tolas, she uses 2-3 tolas as jewellery on a daily basis. She has saved the remaining 5-6 tolas in her cupboard and hardly ever uses them. But this whole 8 tola gold is in our possession. This amount of gold has been with us for the last one year and a few months. I just wanted to ask you that should we pay zakat on this gold asset that we have. If yes, how much?
3. If I go back to the UK next month and start working again, what amount of zakat will be payable by us in that case?
Thank you for writing to us. The gold that is in daily use is exempt from zakah. This means that only remaining gold which is not in routine use is zakatable. If that amount is over and above the nisab (exempted amount) only then you need to pay the zakah on it.
Answered by: Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Date: 2015-03-07